Today was their 2 month well check. The good news is that both babies cooperated without any tears or fussiness. Major feat!
Jeremy weighed in at 10lbs, 2.5 oz and is now 21 3/4" tall. These measurements put him in the 25-50th percentile for growth and the doc was very pleased. We have one issue that we're working on with Jeremy. Unfortunately, he has a bad dry skin issue. It doesn't appear to bother him, but it's pretty unsightly on his face and head and he has dryness all over his little body. We're going to see a dermatologist about this issue tomorrow.
Nathan weighed in at 6lbs, 14oz and is now 19 1/2" tall. Unfortunately, the doc was disappointed with his growth and wants us to get more advice from a feeding specialist. She's thinking that we may need to find a better bottle or nipple to make sure he's getting the most out of his feedings. I'm in the process of making that appointment now. The good news is that he looks great and besides his weight seems to be proceeding fine.
Both babies had their first round of vaccines today too. That was fun for mommy or babies. They did great, but let out quite impressive screams upon impact. The fun doesn't end there... I get to go back in 2 weeks for 2 more vaccines for them. Ick!