We had a tough week with appointments last week. Good thing I'm still on maternity leave!
First up, Jeremy.
Jeremy had a bad skin issue all over his head, face and body. It seemed like it was eczema or cradle cap, but just to be sure, the pediatrician referred us to a dermatologist. He said that even though it looked terrible, it would clear up on it's own and that it wasn't bothering him. After one day of applying a hydrocortizone cream, the problem went away. We just have to keep applying a barrier cream to his body and use sensitive skin products on him. Problem averted!
On to Nathan...
Nathan had a tough couple days. First, since Nathan's weight is still an issue, the pediatrician suggested that I take him into a feeding specialist to make sure he is getting the most out of his feedings. After a bunch of probing and watching, he got good marks, but they suggested that we switch him to a different brand of bottle and different nipples. They also found that his neck muscles are tight on one side which causes his head to tilt one way. So, we have some special exercises to do with him now.
The next day we went to an ultrasound appointment for a Y dimple that has been noticeable on his tush since birth. The doc felt that we should take a look at it just to rule out that there isn't anything peculiar about it. Nathan REALLY didn't enjoy the ultrasound. I had to hold him down and there was lots of screaming :-( The good news is that it looks like there's nothing to worry about. Phew!
Finally, the last appointment for the week.
We noticed that poor Nathan had some swelling in his privates. I took him to the doctor immediately and it was quickly diagnosed as a hernia that can only be corrected with surgery :-( So, this week, I will be heading to Children's Hospital for a consultation and to schedule the surgery. Apparently, it's pretty common... it happens in 30% of preemie births. Nathan isn't technically a preemie, but he's being treated as one due to his size. I'll have more to report on this surgery after the appointment on Thursday.
On the plus side, both babies are sleeping well and for longer periods. Jeremy went for 1o hours straight one night this weekend!