The boys hit their 4 month mark and I can't help but be shocked at how much they've changed and grown in a mere month. Both kids are smiling and giggling a ton which is so darn adorable, Jeremy is rolling all over the place, and Nathan slept through the night for the first time last night. Now if we can just time it so both kids sleep through the night on the SAME night!
The kids are officially in full time daycare and I'm back to work full time. It's been a tough adjustment, but I think it's good for me mentally to be back at work. I certainly can't wait to see the boys at the end of the day and I appreciate the time I'm home with them a ton. They seem to be adjusting just fine at daycare. They are eating and napping well and are all smiles when they are dropped off and picked up. I guess you can't ask for much more.
I was welcomed back to work with a fun gift from a co-worker. Check out their new Polycom onesies! These are the hit of our Marketing department. These photos were shown to the executive staff today: