I am officially scheduled for an induction a week from Monday. I've been told to report to the hospital at 7:30am that morning. Unless the babies decide to come earlier, we know the birthday of our babies. And, only 9 more days of bed rest!
My parents booked their flight which is another sign that the fun is beginning. They will arrive next weekend and stay through March 8. And, coincidentally, Mark's family had already scheduled a trip to Colorado for the last week of February so all the Chesslers will be here as well. Things are really falling into place.
I'm still reporting to the hospital twice per week for my regular tests in the meantime. At this point, I think I know all the nurses in the Labor & Delivery unit. And, I've been in every room so I know which room is my first choice for delivery. Although for twins, we'll labor in one of the rooms, but for delivery we will be in an operating room just in case of complications. I'm sure by then I will care less or even know where I am!
So 9 more days... I'm definitely getting nervous about labor and hoping I can handle it. I keep thinking back to how bad my first knee surgery and physical therapy was. And remembering my physical therapist that said, 'as much pain as you are in now, I can tell you that this is NOTHING compared to child birth.' Let's just say, I didn't handle the knee pain so well, so I guessing that I'll be an early candidate for an epidural for labor!
I will plan to post again before the birth, but we'll see. The babies are boss at this point!
Here is a photo of me at 36 weeks and our nieces, Ellie and Annabelle. Enjoy!
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