So it's been awhile since I've posted, but a lot has been happening over here. The boys are doing great! They are at a really fun stage where they small a lot, play with their toys, roll around, giggle when tickled and even seem to be a bit playful with each other.
Major milestones to report:
- Sleeping through the night! This week 5 out of 6 nights both boy slept through the night. We are ecstatic! It's amazing what a full night sleep can do for you. We're hoping this isn't a fluke and they really are going to continue sleeping this long, but who knows?
- Solid foods! Both boys are on solid foods now. Jeremy is a bit more ahead of Nathan. He has tried most stage 1 foods and loves them all. He seems to really enjoy eating and opens his mouth big and wide for each bite. We've worked up to 2 solid meals a day now.
Nathan had a slower start. He was a bit gassy after trying rice cereal so we took a break and just now got him started on oatmeal which seems to agree with him much better. I also tried him on applesauce today which was messy, but successful.
- Rolling! Both boys are rolling now. Jeremy in particular is quite adept at getting where he wants to go by rolling. Nathan just recently discovered his rolling abilities and is having a blast rolling around and playing with his toys. We are keeping a close eye on them for signs of crawling. We're excited to see this next stage, but frankly a bit scared too. Mark is convinced that Jeremy is going to skip crawling and just start walking.
- 1st colds :-( Sadly both boys came down with their first colds. We knew it would happen eventually, but you sure hate to see it. Jeremy was first spiking a high temperature (104!) and clearly staying home from daycare for a few days. He didn't have any other major symptoms, but he can't go back to daycare until he's gone 24 hours without a fever without the help of Tylenol.
Finally, both boys made it back into daycare and wouldn't you know it, but 2 days later I got the call to pick up Nathan. He was running a low-grade fever so he had to stay home until it passed. And, unfortunately, this all happened about 15 minutes after Mark left for the airport for his football weekend away. I was on my own with a sick baby for the weekend. It was pretty miserable as the poor guy didn't sleep much at all and wanted to be help constantly. Let's just say we're not looking forward to cold #2.
No updates on weights... we'll have a weigh-in at the next well visit in mid November. Now for some photos...

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