Friday, November 20, 2009

Milestone Alert!

Jeremy is officially on-the-move!

Jeremy figured out how to crawl last night. Good news for him... bad news for us. Looks like it's time to baby proof!

Here's how it went down.

There was a Staff Appreciation Dinner at their daycare last night. All the parents were sitting in a circle on the floor eating their dinners while the kids rolled around and played in the center. For some reason, Jeremy decided that he was fascinated with a can of soda that one of the parents had. With a lot of determination, Jeremy managed to crawl over to that can.

Now, just to make sure it wasn't a fluke, I put my can of soda out of reach to see if he'd crawl again. Sure enough, he made a bee line straight for my can.

2nd milestone alert... first injury requiring a band aid.

Yes, Jeremy was able to crawl to the can. Unfortunately, he popped his thumb in the opening and got his first cut. He didn't even notice, but I happened to see the blood. He could care less about the cut, but he cried bloody murder when I tried to put a band aid on him.

Crazy kid!

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