- 2 teeth! His 2 bottom front teeth are coming in. He teething and drooling more, but seems to be handling it well
- Finger foods! Nathan is picking up food and aiming it for his mouth. He takes a couple tries, but he eventually finds his mout
- Army crawl! He's getting around, but very slowly. It's definitely the beginnings of crawling
- Holding his own bottle! So cute... Nathan grabs for his bottle and pretty much holds it himself
- 1 tooth! Jeremy is getting one of his bottom front teeth. It doesn't seem to be bothering him too much
- Finger foods! Jeremy isn't doing quite as well as Nathan with the finger foods, but he can definitely pick them up. He hasn't shown any interest in putting food in his mouth, but he is very interested in putting food in Clementine's mouth!
- Crawling like a maniac! Jeremy is all over the place. He follows us around like a puppy. Time to baby proof!
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