Sunday, March 14, 2010

One year appointment

The boys had their one-year appointment on 3/4.  They both passed, but each had some 'homework' to accomplish.

Height:  28 5/8" (25%)
Weight:  20 lb, 9 oz (25%)
Head: 18" (35%)

Height:  26 1/2" (<3%)
Weight:  15 lb, 14oz (<3%)
Head:  17 7/8 (25%)

At this point the doctor was expecting at least Jeremy to be eating table foods and transitioning over to whole milk.  Unfortunately, Jeremy is showing no interest in finger foods.  We've tried lots of different things, but he just plays with them or feeds them to Clementine.  We need to get him to eat more regular food before we can transition him from bottles to milk.  We're making an appointment with a feeding specialist to see if they can lend some advice.

Jeremy is big enough now to transition to the next size car seat.  He was getting awfully heavy in that infant car seat so we are pretty happy about this transition!
As for Nathan, of course he's still small, but the doctor wanted to better explore why this might be the case.  We were sent off to get x-rays of his hand so we can over-lay it with other kids in his age range to assess his growth rate.  The results show that Nathan's bone development and structure is that of a 9 month old so he is a few months behind.  When you line up his height and weight to a nine-month chart, he's actually on the chart!  10%, but it's on the chart at least.  The doctor was more relieved to get this information and chalks it up as a 'constitutional growth delay'.  We're keeping an eye on it, but bottom line... we are keeping him on formula for a little longer until we see more weight gain.

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