Monday, May 10, 2010

1st Burley Bike Ride

Yesterday was Mom's Day and considering the gorgeous weather, we decided it was time to try out the boys in the Burley.  I think the process of getting them in and situated was longer than the actual ride, but you have to start somewhere.

Mark towed the Burley and I followed along on my bike.  The boys started out doing ok, but somewhere along the way, Jeremy started getting pretty crabby.  Is it possible that we're raising a son that doesn't like biking?  Uh oh!

Here's couple photos to document the event.

Oh... and we have couple words by each boy:
Jeremy - "ba-ba" (which means bottle, bubbles, bye bye and ball... very economical with his word choice!)
Nathan - "uh-oh!" and we think we caught a "bah-bye" yesterday

Both kids have started waving when you say hi or bye... so cute!

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