Monday, September 14, 2009

Fun at 6 months

We're getting the hang of this parenting thing! At 6 months we bravely get out and about and are really enjoying the kids. Here are a few photos of some fun we've had this past month:

Estes Park:

Walking around the hood:


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

6 month check-up

The boys had their 6-month well visit appointment today. Besides getting their latest stats, they also, sadly, got 3 shots :-( The boys did about as well as expected when they are getting stuck in the leg 3 times. But they are resilient and bounce back really fast.

As for their stats...
Height - 25 3/8" (25%)
Weight - 15lb 9 0z (25%)
Head Circ - 17" (45%)

Height - 23 1/2" (<3%)
Weight - 12lb 1.5oz (<3%)
Head Circ - 16 3/4 (25%)

The doctor was pleased with Jeremy and no huge concerns. They just want us to keep an eye on his neck and shoulder strength.

Nathan on the other hand... she had a few concerns. She would really like to see him get on the curve. The good news is that he continues to grow. She just wants to see him grow at a more aggressive pace. We just need to pump calories in him as best as we can. Which unfortunately means that we will be waking up for night time feedings for quite a long time it appears.

Both kids are trying out more solid foods and doing well. We've moved on from rice cereal to peas. What a mess! But, both of them appear to be getting the hang of it. Sweet potatoes next!
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