Wednesday, June 24, 2009

4 months old!

Can you believe it's been 4 months?!

The boys hit their 4 month mark and I can't help but be shocked at how much they've changed and grown in a mere month. Both kids are smiling and giggling a ton which is so darn adorable, Jeremy is rolling all over the place, and Nathan slept through the night for the first time last night. Now if we can just time it so both kids sleep through the night on the SAME night!

The kids are officially in full time daycare and I'm back to work full time. It's been a tough adjustment, but I think it's good for me mentally to be back at work. I certainly can't wait to see the boys at the end of the day and I appreciate the time I'm home with them a ton. They seem to be adjusting just fine at daycare. They are eating and napping well and are all smiles when they are dropped off and picked up. I guess you can't ask for much more.

I was welcomed back to work with a fun gift from a co-worker. Check out their new Polycom onesies! These are the hit of our Marketing department. These photos were shown to the executive staff today:

Saturday, June 13, 2009

All Good Things Must Come to and End :-(

I can't believe it, but my maternity leave is over. I'm back to work on Monday. My time flies! My babies are almost 4 months old, but even more impressive is how much I've grown through these 4 months. I look back at those first couple weeks and can't believe that I'm even the same person. What seemed so overwhelming a few months ago has become old hat to me now. Don't get me wrong, the kids are by no means easy, but my coping ability, patience and confidence has improved exponentially.

As much as I'm going to miss the 40 hours a week I won't see my babies, I am looking forward to getting back to my previous life a bit. I'm sure I'll eat my words after a few days back at work, but right now the thought of being needed for something besides diapers and bottles is refreshing.

Fortunately, my mom will be here to help with the transition back to work. I'll go back to work full time on Monday. My mom will spend the week with the boys, but they will do half day trials at daycare on Tuesday and Thursday.

Here are some updates on both boys:
- 12lbs, 4 oz as of 6/9. His weight puts him at about the 50th percentile
- Slept through the night (but only once). We're back to one wake up per night
- Rolling over back to front. Unfortunately, this is what usually wakes him up in the middle of the night. He rolls over, but then gets stuck and frustrated
- grinning and giggling a lot!
- wearing 3-6 months clothes

- 9 lbs as of 6/9. His weight puts him at the 3rd percentile. Woo-hoo... he made the chart!
- Only waking up once per night and usually making it 9 hours! (waking up around 4:30am)
- Not rolling over yet on his own, but with a little help he rolls from front to back.
- also grinning and giggling a lot!
- finally has moved into size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happy Anniversary and milestone alert!

Wow! How our lives have changed in a mere 2 years.

June 9 was our 2 year wedding anniversary and it's hard not to reflect on how much our lives have changed in such a short amount of time. We were fortunate enough to have our friends Cyndi and Mark (Gittes) baby sit for us so we could enjoy a nice dinner to celebrate. Mark got me some gorgeous roses and I bought Mark some cotton essentials (year 2 cotton is the traditional gift). However, the best gift of all came from Jeremy. Our big boy Jeremy slept through the night for the first time!!! He went to bed at 7:30 and didn't wake up until 5:45. What a gift! Nathan still has to wake up (at 3:00 last night), but he's so darn cute that we don't mind :-)

We also experimented a bit with our bumbo chairs. Take a look at these photos. Not sure they enjoy this chair yet, but they'll grow into it I'm sure.

Friday, June 5, 2009

More Grandparents!

We had another wonderful visit with Grandparents this week. Mom mom Cindy and Pop pop Mason visited and helped out a ton! They were great sports about doing 'night duty' several nights in a row which was a HUGE help. Unfortunately both boys are still getting up at least once per night so night duty is no easy task. But Cindy and Mason jumped right in and did 3 nights in a row! We also had a fun visit with Max, Christine, Ellie and Annabelle for a big family bbq.

Here are a few photos:

A few other interesting notes at the 3 month mark:
- At last weigh in, Nathan was at 8lb, 5 oz. We figure that by now he's probably in the 9lb range!
- Jeremy is growing like a weed. He just moved into 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers
- Both kids survived their first round of vaccinations (I think it was harder on Mom than the boys)
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