Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The verdict is in!

Nothing like last minute, but I finally got the green light from the doc to be able to fly to LA for Xmas! I had my 28 week appointment and ultrasound and Monday and me and the babies got rave reviews. Everyone is looking good and healthy at this point. Baby B is still a bit smaller than Baby A, but the doctor isn't worried at all. She thinks that Baby B is just a smaller baby, but is progressing well.

One little surprise is that the babies flipped. Baby A is now head down and Baby B is head up. That would explain all the kicking I'm suddenly feeling on my right side where Baby A is.

Considering that one baby is head up at this point, the doctor began discussions with me about the possibility of a C-Section. It is still early and certainly positions could change, but unless both babies are head down, it looks as though a C-Section is in my future. I didn't schedule anything yet, but probably at the next ultrasound on January 20 I'll be putting something in the books.

I'm going to the doctor every 2 weeks now so they are keeping a close eye on me. After 32 weeks, I'll start going weekly.

For your viewing pleasure, here are the latest ultrasound photos of the kiddos. Enjoy!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Breast Feeding Multiples... oh my!

This week I managed to shove in one more class... Breastfeeding Multiples.

Unfortunately, there aren't any classes in Boulder that focus on multiple pregnancies, but I was able to track down this class in South Denver at Swedish Medical Center. I made the 1.5 hour trek in rush hour traffic down to this class on Wednesday.

The class was mostly a regular breast feeding class that covered topics that would apply for any pregnant mom: latching, pumping, storage, techniques, etc. However, there were some interesting pointers and resources directed specifically for parents of multiples.

The biggest highlight of the class was when the fire alarm went off 45 minutes in requiring everyone in the hospital to leave the building. So, we 8 pregnant ladies had to stand outside on the curb for about 45 minutes while the fire department took care of the situation. Fortunately, we were let back in and the class was able to continue, but what a distraction!

The other highlight was the practice session where we each had to learn double hold positions using 2 dolls. Man, that was strange. So bizarre to look around the room and see all these women holding 2 dolls up to their chests.

Bottom line... it was good to have this overview and sort of know what's coming. But ultimately I'm just going to have to figure out what works for me and the babies when the time comes.

We are officially trained to be parents!

Mark and I just finished our Foundations of Child Birth classes. These classes were organized by the hospital and were 5 weeks in a row, 2.5 hours Tuesday evenings. There were about 8 couples in the class. Most of them are due in January or early February. Matter of fact, we were the couple with the latest due date. I was pretty insistent that I wanted to knock this class out early just in case I faced bed rest and wasn't able to partipicate later in my pregnancy. Interestingly enough, there was another couple in the class that is also pregnant with twin boys.

The classes were really well organized and the instructor was extremely knowledgeable and approachable. We covered:
  • Breathing techniques
  • Pain management alternatives
  • Tour of the birthing center
  • Breast feeding
We learned a ton, but it was pretty scary too. Now we just have to hope we remember all this information when the time actually comes!
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