Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The verdict is in!

Nothing like last minute, but I finally got the green light from the doc to be able to fly to LA for Xmas! I had my 28 week appointment and ultrasound and Monday and me and the babies got rave reviews. Everyone is looking good and healthy at this point. Baby B is still a bit smaller than Baby A, but the doctor isn't worried at all. She thinks that Baby B is just a smaller baby, but is progressing well.

One little surprise is that the babies flipped. Baby A is now head down and Baby B is head up. That would explain all the kicking I'm suddenly feeling on my right side where Baby A is.

Considering that one baby is head up at this point, the doctor began discussions with me about the possibility of a C-Section. It is still early and certainly positions could change, but unless both babies are head down, it looks as though a C-Section is in my future. I didn't schedule anything yet, but probably at the next ultrasound on January 20 I'll be putting something in the books.

I'm going to the doctor every 2 weeks now so they are keeping a close eye on me. After 32 weeks, I'll start going weekly.

For your viewing pleasure, here are the latest ultrasound photos of the kiddos. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you got the green light...but I hope ol' man winter doesn't interfere with your flite to LAX!

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