Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happy Anniversary and milestone alert!

Wow! How our lives have changed in a mere 2 years.

June 9 was our 2 year wedding anniversary and it's hard not to reflect on how much our lives have changed in such a short amount of time. We were fortunate enough to have our friends Cyndi and Mark (Gittes) baby sit for us so we could enjoy a nice dinner to celebrate. Mark got me some gorgeous roses and I bought Mark some cotton essentials (year 2 cotton is the traditional gift). However, the best gift of all came from Jeremy. Our big boy Jeremy slept through the night for the first time!!! He went to bed at 7:30 and didn't wake up until 5:45. What a gift! Nathan still has to wake up (at 3:00 last night), but he's so darn cute that we don't mind :-)

We also experimented a bit with our bumbo chairs. Take a look at these photos. Not sure they enjoy this chair yet, but they'll grow into it I'm sure.

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