The moment you've all been waiting for! Mark and I found out the genders of our babies on Friday. If you want to cheat, you can take a close look at the photo, but if you want to hear the whole story, read on...
As you know from my last post, we had a full ultrasound on Friday and along with that, the technicians were able to determine the genders. Instead of finding out right then with the docs in the room, we decided to have them seal the news in envelopes for us to open in private later that night.
We planned to open the envelopes at a special dinner at a restaurant in Boulder. Although the anticipation was killing us, we managed to at least get our order in before ripping into the envelopes.
On the outside of both envelopes they said 'Congratulations Mark & Michelle' and one was marked Baby #1 and the other Baby #2. I let Mark go first and he opened Baby #2's envelope. Inside, was a little note card that said Baby #2 on the outside and when you opened it up, it had a cute little blue picture of a baby in a crib and it said 'A cute & cuddly baby boy has come to fill your lives with job and bliss... Congratulations'
Mark turned around the card to me and said, "Baby B is a boy!"
So, now the pressure was on me. I ripped into my envelope and what do you know... there was the same little note that said that Baby A will be a boy too! I turned mine around to Mark and said, "We're having 2 boys!!!"
So there you have it. Mark and I will grow our family with two little boys. Now starts the fun part of coming up with names. Good thing we still have 5 more months!!!
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