This week I hit the 20 week mark which means for a normal, full term pregnancy I'd be half way. But, since twins usually come a couple weeks early, I'm actually even more than half way.
So, as you can see, it's time to start documenting the belly growth. At this point I've put on about 20 lbs (egads!) which is about a pound a week. My plan is to add a belly photo every couple weeks so you can gawk and grin along with me and Mark.
I'm officially out of my normal clothes and sporting new outfits comprised of my newly purchased maternity clothes. Even strangers now recognize me as a pregnant person now. I knew that I was really showing when my dry cleaner asked when I was due. I was thinking... gee, that's a risky question. What if I was just fat? But Mark assures me that I definitely look like a pregnant person at this point so I guess it was a safe question.
Besides my continuous growth, I'm feeling great. The only other change is that I can't stay on my feet too long without my back hurting and I'm moving a bit slower on my Clementine walks. But all and all... I can't complain. I'll save the big complaining for 30 weeks!
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