I'm sure it's hard to make out, but you're looking at Baby A on the left and Baby B on the right. Baby A was a little hard to see this time. He is laying spine up and spent most of the ultrasound napping. Although I did spot his little feet kicking at a couple points.
Baby B on the other hand was ready for prime time. He was alert, moving all around, and even yawned at one point. Very cute!
Both babies are tracking well and appear very healthy. Baby A is at 50% for growth and Baby B is at 25% growth compared to other babies at this stage, but not necessarily compared to twins which tend to run smaller. One baby is vertex and the other is breach right now, but it's still early and positions can and will certainly change in the coming weeks.
All in all, mom and babies got a gold star for this visit. I will be having an ultrasound every month so stay tuned for more cute photos!
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