Saturday, February 21, 2009

Bring on the Babies!

Yesterday was my last day of work for 4 months. What a strange feeling! It was especially weird that I was logging off while working from home. No hugs, no goodbye lunch, nada! Just me at home on the couch like every other day, but this time when I shut my laptop, it was to become a mommy!

It turned out to be a great last day. My co-workers orchestrated a surprise goodbye meeting for me which was very cute. They put a meeting on my calendar to discuss some boring topic, but it turned out that my whole department dialed-in over video to say their personal goodbyes. Many of them even made cute signs to hold up with notes to me and the babies. One of the biggest highlights for me was that my highest ranking executive in Marketing (Chief Marketing Officer) took the time to send me a personal note to wish me well. I was very flattered that she remembered my last day and took the time to reach out to me.

So I'm officially on maternity leave and it feels great... so far. I can honestly say that I'm definitely over being pregnant. I've been fortunate to have a fairly easy pregnancy, but this last month has been hard. Of course the bed rest (or house arrest as I call it) has been frustrating. Pair that with very poor sleep (I'm up between 2:30-5:30) most every night. But the worst is that in the last few days I've been tortured by a full body rash that is miserably itchy. I've been told that the only cure is birth. So, as I said... bring on the babies. We're ready and excited :-)

1 comment:

Eve said...

Yea Michelle! What a nice post :) I am so impressed with how calm you are!!!! It is Monday and I'm thinking of you there in the hospital surrounded by your wonderful support team. I know you're going to do great. Can't wait to meet the Chessler boys!!!

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