Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Could it be? 1 year already!?!

Our Babies are 1 Today!  Happy Birthday Jeremy Daniel and Nathan Louis

I can hardly believe it's been a year.  What a time of reflection, amazement and pure happiness!  This past year will certainly go down in history as a year of tiny amounts of sleep, tons of stress, a few tears (okay, more than a few), and love, love, and more LOVE.  Who knew that there was room in our hearts to fit this much emotion for our two amazing sons.

Mark and I have looked back with amazement these past few weeks acknowledging where we were a mere year ago and what parent pros we are now.  Many people advised us that we would survive and it's true... we have!  

We couldn't have made it without the tremendous amount of support we received from family and friends.  They say it takes a village to raise a family and we are certainly fortunate to have a fabulous village to rely upon.  We are so lucky that our parents have been able to visit so often from so many miles away.  I guess it pays to have children after your parents have retired :-)

We celebrated the commemorative year in style!  We are spending the week in Steamboat with lots of family... Greene Grandparents are here from LA, Chessler Grandparents are here from New Jersey and we have the Chessler Aunt, Uncle & Cousins here from New Jersey and even a short visit from the Chessler Aunt, Uncle & Cousins in Westminster.  

The party was Sunday night with delicious food, family, cupcakes and presents.  As you can see, fun was had by all:

1 comment:

Eve said...

How Sweet! I remember that high we felt at Miles's first birthday, and the sense of accomplishment. I cannot imagine what it must be like with TWO!
Geez, both boys really got their hands into the cake, huh? Have fun celebrating all week long - we're thinking of you down here in boring Denver.

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