Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy One Month Birthday

We survived the first month!

The boys hit their one-month birthday on March 23. I can't believe it's been a month! Nor can I believe I survived it. Looking back to week 1 and 2 I honestly thought I'd have a mental breakdown before now. I can't believe how far we've come in these weeks.

It's still challenging and exhausting, but now that we have more a routine, we can really enjoy the boys and even get out of the house (rarely, but it happens). This week began regular meal deliveries from my wonderful friends. Cyndi arranged this food tree so now every Monday and Thursday through mid-May, we'll have friends drop by with dinner. This is immensely helpful considering that cooking and eating seem to be a low priority for us. Thank goodness for my friends or we'd be eating delivery every night!

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