Sunday, May 10, 2009

1st Mother's Day

Mother's Day is supposed to be the day that I call my mom and tell her how great she is. Don't worry... I still did that. But, today was my first Mother's Day. And even though my boys are far from talking or being able to tell me how great I am, Mark represented and took care of me :-)

The morning started bright and early. Cyndi picked me up at 7:15 to head to the Title 9, 9.9k race. It was really cold and rainy, but we still managed to participate. Cyndi was nice enough to forgo running and kept me company while I walked the race.

Mark was home watching the boys and did great! When I got home, Mark gave me a very thoughtful Mother's Day gift... a digital photo frame so I can have pictures of the boys at my desk when I go back to work. Very creative!

The rest of the day was spent relaxing and napping. We even managed to nap for a couple hours all together in our bed... so cute! I couldn't think of a better way to spend Mother's Day. Too bad it's only once a year!

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