Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 11 of Bedrest

Today marks my 11th day of bedrest and I'm happy to say that I haven't gone insane yet.

I am so fortunate that my mother-in-law, Cindy, was here most of this week. She showed up on Tuesday and just left today and what a savior! She was a busy little bee the entire time she was here... cooking, laundry, errands. She did more in a week than I would have accomplished in a month! I bet she did a half a dozen loads of laundry or more! And our fridge and freezer are loaded with great eats... we're set for at least a week or two! She filled prescriptions, walked the dog and even brought flowers one day. Who can ask for more?

So as you can imagine, this week of bedrest flew by. The fact that I am still working helps a ton too. The weekdays feel about the same except I get to wear my comfy clothes and stretch out on the couch to do my work instead of going to my stuffy, windowless office. I worry more about weekends since I don't have the work distraction, but so far I've come up with several projects to pass the time. And of course Netflix has been handy for my constant movie supply.

When I came to terms with the fact that the only thing getting me off of bedrest is having babies, I sort of started appreciating bedrest. I guess it only gets harder from here so why not absorb as much R&R as possible :-)

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